Wednesday, October 27, 2010

manusmriti chapter 2 (women, young wife, idol,sun,organ)

Brahmans will live in That (country) which (lies) between the Himavat and the Vindhya (mountains)………manusmriti chapter 2 verse 21
but a Sudra, distressed for subsistence, may reside anywhere……manusmriti chapter 2 verse 24….

superstition:  lucky/unlucky day for naming the child  ….But let (the father perform or) cause to be performed the Namadheya (the rite of naming the child), on the tenth or twelfth (day after birth), or on a lucky lunar day, in a lucky muhurta, under an auspicious constellation…….manusmriti chapter 2 verse 30

different names for different castes : Let (the first part of) a Brahmana's name (denote something) auspicious, a Kshatriya's be connected with power, and a Vaisya's with wealth, but a Sudra's (express something) contemptible. 

32. (The second part of) a Brahmana's (name) shall be (a word) implying happiness, of a Kshatriya's (a word) implying protection, of a Vaisya's (a term) expressive of thriving, and of a Sudra's (an expression) denoting service……….manusmriti chpter 2 verse 31/32

Worshipping food: Let him(a brahmana) always worship his food, and eat it without contempt….manusmriti chapter 2 verse 54

boy/girl : when the boys will be purified by water the law of reciting the Vedas r there but when the girls will b purified there will b no recitation …..chapter 2 verse 62-66:::: This whole series (of ceremonies) must be performed for females (also), in order to sanctify the body, at the proper time and in the proper order, but without (the recitation of) sacred texts.

Hindus should restrain their organs: A wise man should strive to restrain his organs which run wild among alluring sensual objects, like a charioteer his horses….manusmriti chapter 2 verse 88

Offer prayer or b like a sudra( the lower cast): But he who does not (worship) standing in the morning, nor sitting in the evening, shall be excluded, just like a Sudra, from all the duties and rights of an Aryan…..manusmriti chapter 2 verse 103

Manusmriti gives permission to worship the idols, pouring out of wine or other liquid in honor of a deity…..Every day, having bathed, and being purified, he must offer libations of water to the gods, sages and manes, worship (the images of) the gods, and place fuel on (the sacred fire).,,,,,manusmriti 2:17

Worship the sun: A twice-born student, who has involuntarily wasted his manly strength during sleep, must bathe, worship the sun, and afterwards thrice mutter the Rik-verse (which begins), 'Again let my strength return to me.'……..2:181….but yajurveda says not to worship created things.

191-200>>>>>.the duty of a student infront of a teacher>>>>>>

Punishment for a student who criticizes his teacher>>>>>>By censuring (his teacher), though justly, he will become (in his next birth) an ass, by falsely defaming him, a dog; he who lives on his teacher's substance, will become a worm, and he who is envious (of his merit), a (larger) insect.>>>>>>2:201>>>>>>>the hindus biliv in rebirth….dont know why they always want to come to this world over and over again.

Nature of women::::::::: It is the nature of women to seduce men in this (world); for that reason the wise are never unguarded in (the company of) females…..2:213

Women::: For women are able to lead astray in (this) world not only a fool, but even a learned man, and (to make) him a slave of desire and anger…..2:214

Young student and young wife::::: But at his pleasure a young student may prostrate himself on the ground before the young wife of a teacher, in accordance with the rule, and say, 'I, N. N., (worship thee, O lady).'……..2:216