What to eat, when to eat, what to do when one takes bathe,where to live in the forest,,,,,.
Abandoning all food raised by cultivation, and all his belongings, he(a Brahmin) may depart into the forest, either committing his wife to his sons, or accompanied by her.>>>manusmriti 6:3
4. Taking with him the sacred fire(what is it?) and the implements required for domestic (sacrifices), he may go forth from the village into the forest and reside there, duly controlling his senses.>>.manusmriti 6:4
Let him wear a skin or a tattered garment; let him bathe in the evening or in the morning; and let him always wear (his hair in) braids, the hair on his body, his beard, and his nails (being unclipped).>>>manusmriti 6:6
Let him eat vegetables that grow on dry land or in water, flowers, roots, and fruits, the productions of pure trees, and oils extracted from forest-fruits.
14. Let him avoid honey, flesh, and mushrooms growing on the ground (or elsewhere, the vegetables called) Bhustrina, and Sigruka, and the Sleshmantaka fruit.>>>manusmriti 6:13/14
Let him either roll about on the ground, or stand during the day on tiptoe, (or) let him alternately stand and sit down; going at the Savanas (at sunrise, at midday, and at sunset) to water in the forest (in order to bathe).>>>manusmriti 6:22
In summer let him expose himself to the heat of five fires, during the rainy season live under the open sky, and in winter be dressed in wet clothes, (thus) gradually increasing (the rigour of) his austerities.>>>manusmriti 6:23
By the restraint of his senses, by the destruction of love and hatred, and by the abstention from injuring the creatures, he becomes fit for immortality.>>>manusmriti 6:60
In order to preserve living creatures, let him always by day and by night, even with pain to his body, walk, carefully scanning the ground.>>>manusmriti 6:68