Worship the brahmans: Let the king, after rising early in the morning, worship Brahmanas who are well versed in the threefold sacred science and learned (in polity), and follow their advice>>>manusmriti 7:37
Honored by man eater if the king worship the Brahmins: Let him(king) daily worship aged Brahmanas who know the Veda and are pure; for he who always worships aged men, is honoured even by Rakshasas.>>>>manusmriti 7:38
Don’t love only for the sake of pleasure: For a king who is attached to the vices springing from love of pleasure, loses his wealth and his virtue, but (he who is given) to those arising from anger, (loses) even his life.
Hunting, gambling, sleeping by day, censoriousness, (excess with) women, drunkenness, (an inordinate love for) dancing, singing, and music, and useless travel are the tenfold set (of vices) springing from love of pleasure.>>>manusmriti 7:46/47
Drinking, dice, women, and hunting, these four (which have been enumerated) in succession, he must know to be the most pernicious in the set that springs from love of pleasure.>>>manusmriti 7:50
Qualities to see in a woman while marrying: Inhabiting that, let him(the king) wed a consort of equal caste (varna ), who possesses auspicious marks (on her body), and is born in a great family, who is charming and possesses beauty and excellent qualities.>>>manusmriti 7:77
Way to go heaven: Those kings who, seeking to slay each other in battle, fight with the utmost exertion and do not turn back, go to heaven.>>>manusmriti 7:89
Force: Let him be ever ready to strike, his prowess constantly displayed, and his secrets constantly concealed, and let him constantly explore the weaknesses of his foe.
103. Of him who is always ready to strike, the whole world stands in awe; let him therefore make all creatures subject to himself even by the employment of force.>>>manusmriti 7:102/103
Time of consultation of king or chief minister: At the time of consultation let him cause to be removed idiots, the dumb, the blind, and the deaf, animals, very aged men, women, barbarians, the sick, and those deficient in limbs.>>>manusmriti 7:149
Reason of removing those mentioned above: (Such) despicable (persons), likewise animals, and particularly women betray secret council; for that reason he must be careful with respect to them.>>>manusmriti 7:150
Then the verses continued saying how a king sud attack his opposition,,what skills can b used etc